Yanagino Yashiro Shrine in Ono City

Trailhead to reach Ono Castle on the hilltop

Yanagino Yashiro Shrine in Ono city, Fukui, is located at the foot of Mount Kameyama. This shrine is also at the trailhead of this mountain, on top of which Ono Castle stands. Anyone who climbs the mountain to see the castle passes through it. This shrine was built in 1882 to enshrine Doi Toshitada, the seventh lord of Ono-Han (feudal domain). The shrine was moved to the current location in 1911. In 2006, the heavy snow damaged the prayer hall badly, and it was renovated in 2007 using donations from Ono City's local people. Although it acts as the trailhead to Ono Castle, silence permeated the grounds when I visited, and I had the place all to myself except for two cats.

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