Lygia Priscilla
An avid reader who pretty much live inside her brain thanks to my preference on INTJ. I may have my own truth on particular matter that I might as well go for each others' neck. Yikes! Don't worry, I'm only intimidating you. You may come and consult me with your problems once I've finished my master degree in counseling psychology. I won't harm you, most likely.
I eat challenge for breakfast and danger for appetizer. I love adventure and helping people in need by help them realising how faulty their way of thinking.
A pretty good friend, if you think so. But I'm a full time shenaniganer. I spend my time and attention to psychology, theology and existential crisis topics.
I dislike copy cats the most! But I like the photocopy machine with all those black magic laser beams.
Oh whatever, I'm not a very descriptive person to describe myself. Why don't you try to chat, call, or email me if the curiosity is really killing you or the cat, unless you took an arrow to the knee..
Nice to meet you guys
I hope we can be good friends, or kismesis ♥