The principal Buddhist image of Taicho-ji Temple in Fukui is the 'Kannon Bosatsu (Goddess of Mercy) with twelve hands', which was carved by the temple's founder, Taicho Daishi himself. There are also thirty-three Kannon statues in the temple grounds. It is said that if you visit all thirty-three of them here, you will be happy for 48,000 days. I did the math and that equals more than 131 years, which means my happiness for the rest of my life will be guaranteed. OK, deal! I made a pilgrimage to all thirty-three of them. But so far I don't feel any change in the happiness department of my life. I wonder what went wrong?!
33 Kannon Statues at Taicho-ji
Make a pilgramage to achieve 48,000 days' happiness!


Thirty-three statues of Kannon Bosatsu (Goddess of Mercy) like this are spread out around a silent woods

The stone torii gate stands at the entrance of 'Thirty-three Kannon Bosatsu' pilgrimage path in the woods

The statues of Kannon Bosatsu line the path

Looking at the entrance torii gate in the distance from the number three Kannon Bosatsu statue

Statue Number six sits silently on the ground on which some brown leaves have fallen

Statue Number seven of Kannon Bosatsu has a lotus flower in her hand

A small Jizo statue sitting silently at the foot of one of the Kannon Bosatsu statues

Here, you can enjoy the silent woods all to yourself...what a luxury!

Divine statue of Kannon Bosatsu in a serene forest setting

Statue Number thirteen has a little bit of a comical face

Number seventeen and eighteen have their own shelter!

Number twenty-eight...I've come this far!

This statue has twelve hands!

Statue Number twenty-six has yellow moss on its body

Statue Number thirty-one under the setting sun

Number thirty-three...YES! I made it!
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