Introducing some unique eats from across Kanagawa, a prefecture that quickly evolved to incorporate food cultures from around the world when it first opened to trade in the 1800s. Explore from a range of cuisine that can appeal to all tastes, including vegan and Halal.
Due to the pandemic, some restaurants may temporarily close or operate shorter hours — always check in advance before visiting.
Kanagawa's urban centers to the east of the prefecture are replete with a cosmopolitan line-up of restaurants sure to suit all palettes.
在松本寿司好好享用精心准备的寿司,搭配精选的清酒更佳。虽然职员未能提供英语讲解,但在餐厅,您可以品尝到当天捕获的新鲜渔获。 (松本寿司只接受现金和信用卡,而且不属于 Go to Eat 活动的一部分。)
在 Rallentare,您可以享用精心准备的最佳当地食材。所有的菜肴都是在不使用鸡蛋、奶制品或动物产品的情况下准备的; 使用的蔬菜均来自无农药农场。这些素食餐点和美味的甜点绝对会让您惊叹不已。
This coastal region has you covered with a variety of places to eat across Enoshima, Fujisawa and Chigasaki.
Ki to Toki 使用不含动物成分的产品、糙米和当地采购的新鲜蔬菜,制作出精湛的素食餐点,不仅美味更赏心悦目。一定要尝试他们的 17 种不同菜肴和发酵饮料,搭配餐后的甜点、香草茶或咖啡。
Follow the coastline south from Yokosuka City around the Miura Peninsula to find some special spots.
在叶山町的这所海傍休闲会所感受仿佛家一般的放松环境吧。 UNDER THE PALMO的装潢由本地设计师使用本地材料制作,舒适而简约;会所内有咖啡厅,也有提供展会用..
品尝过 Aratama 著名的炸猪排后,你一定会爱上这种新鲜的味道。除了炸猪排之外,餐厅还提供了多样的选择。你一定要尝尝 Aratama 的其他菜肴,如马苏里拉芝士炸肉饼和奶油炸肉饼。
Kanagawa's Western Area is home to some stunning nature, but also home to some unique eats in the Odawara and Hakone areas.
Box Burger 提供县内最好的足柄牛肉汉堡。当您点一份他们多汁的厚汉堡时,别忘了有一份手工制作的奶昔来搭配。在这里尝试由京都阿拉比卡咖啡豆制成的温哥华咖啡,它一定会为您提供能量,让你在接下来的旅程中继续前进!
在 Pan-no-mimi,您可以尝试一些美味和独特的面包。除了各种热三明治,如金枪鱼起司或火腿切达起司,不要忘记它们的烤面包——例如是以烤海鲜和起司烤成的半条鲜烤面包。
See more Unique Eats in Kanagawa.
Introducing some of Kanagawa's diverse food culture, including Oyama Tofu, Misaki Tuna and Yokohama Iekei Ramen.
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