Who can write for Japan Travel?

Find out who Japan Travel is for

Our community is open for anyone to join.

You do not have to be a gifted writer or photographer to submit content to the site. Find our what makes a compelling article or you can review samples for each content type.

We only ask that you write in your native language and submit photos that meet our requirements.

  • Bloggers
    Share your interest in Japanese culture and travelling.
  • Travellers
    Plan your trip and then share your experiences visiting Japan's destinations.
  • Foreign Residents
    Share your experiences of living in Japan and uncover the hidden gems.
  • Photojournalists
    Build a portfolio or hone your creative prowess – our internship program may also be the answer.
  • Tourism Bodies
    Use our platform for market research and regional promotion – contact us us to see what we can offer.


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