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1,232 upcoming events
Daikoku Matsuri 2026

Daikoku Matsuri 2026

Mid Jan

The annual Daikoku Matsuri is held in mid-January and honours Daikoku, the deity of fortune. It is held close to Japan's Coming..

Tokyo 1 Free Entry
Santera Mairi Festival 2026

Santera Mairi Festival 2026

Mid Jan

The Santera Mairi Festival, literally "Three Temple Visit," is held annually on January 15th and known as one of Hida Furukawa's..

The Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival 2026

The Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival 2026

Jan 13th - Jan 15th

The Nozawa Onsen Fire Festival, an outrageous combination of flames, kindling and tons of sake is held every year on January 15th..

Nagano 2
Tondo Festival 2026

Tondo Festival 2026

Thursday - Jan 15th

Annual festival held around January 15th all across the country to burn old talismans and charms and pray for good luck in the year..

Hiroshima 2
Tokamachi Son-in-Law Throwing Event 2026

Tokamachi Son-in-Law Throwing Event 2026

Mid Jan

The Tokamachi muko (son-in-law) throwing event takes place on January 15th each year, and involves new husbands being thrown off..

Niigata 6 Free Entry
Setagaya Boroichi: Jan Edition 2026

Setagaya Boroichi: Jan Edition 2026

Mid Jan

Originating over 400 years ago, the annual Setagaya Boroichi sees almost 700 vendors fill the street selling all manner of food,..

Tokyo 2
Hiruga Underwater Tug-of-War 2026

Hiruga Underwater Tug-of-War 2026

Sunday - Jan 18th

Dating back to the early 17th century, the Hiruga Underwater Tug-of-War event is a prayer for a bountiful fish catch, featuring..

Fukui Free Entry
Shinjuku Chuo Park Flea Market 2026

Shinjuku Chuo Park Flea Market 2026

Mid Jan

Shinjuku Chuo Flea Market is an amateur-only flea market located in Shinjuku Central Park in central Tokyo. The next market will..

Tokyo 6 Free Entry

Event Calendar