Fox Village in Zao

A place of magic in the mountains of Miyagi


While animal-based travel destinations may offer unique opportunities for interaction and observation, it is considerate to research and choose establishments that uphold high standards of animal welfare, such as proper care, ethical practices, and conservation efforts.

Latest on Zao Fox Village

Zao Kitsune Mura is a village full of free roaming foxes deep in the mountains of Miyagi. My visit happened to be on a foggy day, no problem as it suited the mystical aura foxes carry in Japanese mythology. The foxes are tame, but still semi wild. Don't touch them and think twice about bringing very young children. Follow the tori gates in the village to the Inari shrine. Foxes are messengers of the deity Inari, so you may want to bribe the messengers by giving them some fox food which can be purchased upon entry.

There are several other animal species at the fox village, particularly a large bunny petting zoo. A restaurant and gift shop are also on the premises.


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